Close up of sky stitch Blogger is acting strange again. Maybe someday we'll be back to before.
Tuesday, January 15, 2013
Monday, January 14, 2013
Ranch View Updates
Right Tree
Left tree
Well, finally. I was able to work the work around on Blogger to get these pictures posted.
If you are reading this and having similar problems when you click on the picture link above, just switch from Compose to HTML above and to the left. Then you can browse for your pictures. However, Blogger help says you should add your pictures first, then switch back to Compose and type your text as there are other problems if you switch back and forth several times. Aargh! I hate, hate, hate (did I say hate?) when a computer program is working just fine, then one day, you log in and suddenly it doesn't.
Anyway, I've made more progress since these pictures were taken, so if this works, I'll take more pictures and try again to post them tomorrow.
P.S. I can't preview, so I will press the publish button, sight unseen, and hope for the best.
Saturday, January 12, 2013
Ranch View Progress
Right tree
I began with the two trees in the foreground. The one on the right is stitched with 4 strands of Threadworx green overdyed floss 1048 for the leaves and 4 strands of Threadworx dark blue/purple 1024 for the trunk. Diamond Ray (p. 324) was used for the leaves and Double stitch (p. 247) was used for the trunk, both from The Needlepoint Book.
Left tree
The trunk on the tree on the left was stitched with 4 strands of TW 1024 in basketweave. The leaves were stitched with 4 strands of Threadworx 1076 using Diagonal Mosaic (p. 213).
The brightest strip of green grass is stitched using 4 strands of Gloriana Leaf Green in Bullet stitch from Julia Snyder's Categories for Needlepoint Stitches. The little bit of stripe under the green grass was stitched with Caron Waterlilies Redwood in tent.
Well, after I had typed up all this I went to add close up pictures of the right tree and the left tree. I clicked the picture icon and another screen comes up and usually I can browse my computer to find the picture I want to add. But for some unknown reason, the browse button is now gone.
HELP OTHER BLOGGER USERS. Do you know what is wrong? I've tried everything I can think of. Will probably have to take my computer into a shop for some help.
Wednesday, January 2, 2013
New Start
OK, I really have too many UFO's to start another canvas.
But. . . ., I did receive this for Christmas from my husband so that seems like excuse enough. After all, I don't want him to think I don't appreciate it! BTW, he got a little hint from me, as he would be blissfully clueless as to what canvas I would want to stitch.
Ranch View by Dianne Bersea from Art Needlepoint.
Picked out some fabulous variegated threads at LNS Chaparral Needlepoint last week. I have a couple of days left to stitch before going back to work next week. And just finished a UFO yesterday, so why not give it a start?
But. . . ., I did receive this for Christmas from my husband so that seems like excuse enough. After all, I don't want him to think I don't appreciate it! BTW, he got a little hint from me, as he would be blissfully clueless as to what canvas I would want to stitch.
Ranch View by Dianne Bersea from Art Needlepoint.
Picked out some fabulous variegated threads at LNS Chaparral Needlepoint last week. I have a couple of days left to stitch before going back to work next week. And just finished a UFO yesterday, so why not give it a start?
Tuesday, January 1, 2013
First finish of 2013
Happy New Year to all!
I signed up for a cyber class, Fleur-de-Lis, with Laura Perin last summer.
I like it. Now on to other UFO's.
I signed up for a cyber class, Fleur-de-Lis, with Laura Perin last summer.
Here is the original. However, I wanted a slightly different border and wanted to use more of the Watercolors thread, Lexi's Blues. So here is my version.
I added a 4x4 mosaic in the outer background, but since I was ending up with 9 threads in the middle, I added a flower similar to one used in the design. I also moved the outer background to the background of the center flower but used a green Impressions, Guacamole, not used in the rest of the design. Here's a close-up.I like it. Now on to other UFO's.
Saturday, December 15, 2012
Picked up some finishing
I just picked up some finishing today. These two pieces had been in my finished but not "finished" box for quite some time when I finally took them in for framing. After spending so much just to complete a piece, it just kills me to spend hundreds on framing, but I really don't need any more pillows and these were two big pieces. So I just bit the bullet and did it.
This was my ANG Chapter challenge piece last year. I finished it to complete the challenge but then it languished in the box under my bed.
A green frame this time. Stitched entirely with perle cotton. Not my favorite thread to stitch with, but this was a 13 or 14 count canvas and I wanted good coverage. Also, I wasn't sure if I was going to make it into a pillow or frame it when I started it so wanted a thread that would hold up. I have a companion piece to this in a blue watering can, if I'm not mistaken, so I better find it in my stash and get busy on it while I can still get this same frame.
Oh and I finally set up a Facebook account, just so I could join the needlepoint group. You'd think I didn't know how to turn on a computer, but I primarily use Word and Excel at work, so social media is not in my experience level. I'm trying to enter the 21st century.
Just 5 working days til school is out and I will be off work for two weeks. Woo Hoo. Stitching projects, I can't wait to see you again!
This was my ANG Chapter challenge piece last year. I finished it to complete the challenge but then it languished in the box under my bed.
Here's a close-up of the frame. Love the faux worm holes. By the way, it's laying on my dining room table. Notice the trend here?
Here's the next piece, not an expensive canvas, but I loved it.
Oh and I finally set up a Facebook account, just so I could join the needlepoint group. You'd think I didn't know how to turn on a computer, but I primarily use Word and Excel at work, so social media is not in my experience level. I'm trying to enter the 21st century.
Just 5 working days til school is out and I will be off work for two weeks. Woo Hoo. Stitching projects, I can't wait to see you again!
Sunday, October 7, 2012
Busy Beginning of School
Wow what a beginning of school. I have found time to stitch but not so much time to blog. DS is marching in the band this year, so many more practices, games, competitions. And I have been helping hem and iron band uniform pants, as well as chaperoning away games. But here is what I have been working on.
All of the background to my challenge piece is finished.
Next up is another Petei I am ready to start. I also finished another Santa, a Kathy Schenkel, but can't show it yet as it is a present for some friends for Christmas.
Blue Moon Santa is finished.
Here is a close-up of the cute little ears Ebbie taught me how to make. Detached button hole stitch.
Next is a closeup of the center of the armadillo that I got to.Next up is another Petei I am ready to start. I also finished another Santa, a Kathy Schenkel, but can't show it yet as it is a present for some friends for Christmas.
DS after the band performed at Reliant Stadium.
DS, "Mom, don't be taking my picture!" Got to love 'em.
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